Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Think Twice!

None of us can deny that they love shopping and getting themselves some new garments, furniture items, kitchen ware etc. but who can claim they are the best shoppers! you can get your self- assessment by going through the following. We can categorize consumers into four different classes:

Class 1: They are the ones who don’t have expenditure limitations. They have a what we call shopaholic nature. Choosing expensive outlets is their target. They look for the most expensive price tag of the items they like, even if cheaper ones are available. To bargain is not in their vocabulary. Not to bargain is what they call is a status symbol. As for the seller, they are the best bargain of the day. They sell may be the most average items for the top price… may be at a few soft drinks cost!

Class 2: They go around shopping with wallet full of cash and with mind full of sense. They know before hand what to buy and the budget for it. They have lot of time and money available to them to shop around, select the best item and buy! As for the cost they put their own price tag! But they are most difficult of customers from the seller’s view. He can’t get much out of their wallets... talking about some extra bucks! So no soft drinks to offer.

Class 3: Their sense of shopping is primarily dictated by the capacity of the wallet and it is has limits! So they go on purchasing on daily or thrice weekly basis. To safe some money is the prime rule. Bargaining they do, but if it doesn’t work, they sacrifice quality to still safe something for tomorrow! And from sellers view they get good sale from this group, because cheaper items come much cheaper, be it grocery, fruits, furniture or electronics etc.

Class 4: This is the class of people that doesn’t shop because they have to earn their living today. They can only go for getting their necessities, the next day. Happy-go-lucky, they are.They toll hard all day long, with no worries at all for the coming day. They are the surviving ones -- the majority in our cultural set up! All they need is two meals a day, a place to sleep and some work for they next day. When they go shopping they aren’t any worry to seller.

So, if you are among the top three, don’t think you are very lucky, think about the unlucky ones; someday that can make you very lucky!


  1. Well written sir but I personally find that its a part of our selves being in the top 3 class to always ensure we do lil part on ourselves for the 4th class....

  2. Yes,you got the spirit of the matter put here.Its high time now instead of looking here and there ,feeling sad for the ones in trying situations ,to make a move and lend a helping hand.

  3. That all big change comes from US individuals and i personally believe is one good step we take is something we can tell on the day of resurrection that this is what we have done for the bigger change.
