Thursday, December 19, 2013

Esophageal cancer


Esophagus is the narrow muscular tube that runs from your mouth to stomach, forming passage to food you eat. It can be the site one of the lethal cancer of your body, called esophageal carcinoma or cancer of esophagus. It commonly begins to develop in the inner lining of your esophagus, but may involve other outer layers. It is malignant and have tendency to spread beyond esophagus to distant parts and organs of your body. Esophageal has very slow progress with minimal early symptoms. This one factor makes survival rate after treatment very low. By that time it is commonly diagnosed it has already spread to other parts of your body or to adjacent structure with serious and lethal effects.

Most common location of your esophageal cancer is lower third of the tube like structure.
The common factors which predict development of esophageal cancer are heavy alcohol and smoking. They act as chronic irritant in your cancerous esophagus.

Ÿ  Incidence of esophageal cancer ; The esophageal cancer has been encountered more commonly between age of 65 years-75 years. Men are effected more than women at ratio 4:1 worldwide. Being tenth most common cause of death due to cancer all over globe. It is very rarely seen in children.

Risk factors

Ÿ  Smoking of cigarettes, cigars and pipes are very strong provoking agents for your esophageal cancer. Among the leading risk factor smoking has been found to be greater risk in squamous cell carcinoma than in adenocarcinoma. The mechanism involves the release of carcinogens from tobacco smoke such as nitrosamines. These may initiate esophageal cancer growth in squamous cells layer of your esophagus. Duration of your smoking habit plays significant factor to increase your risk for esophageal malignancy.

Ÿ  Alcohol in excess has been risk factor for several cancers, likewise it plays its role in making you more susceptible for esophageal cancer. If you drink alcohol in larger volume even for short duration your risk for esophageal cancer increases greatly. The same will not be true if you drink alcohol in moderation for longer periods. Heavy drinking called binge together with cigarette smoking enhances your risk for squamous cells carcinoma of esophagus.

Ÿ  GERD syndrome is acquired condition in which acid from stomach reflexes back into esophagus causing chronic erosion at lower part of your esophagus. This constant irritation damages the squamous cells of esophagus converting them into cancer developing cells in long term. Adenocarcinoma is the type of esophageal cancer which grows due to this abnormality. Hyperacidity in lower esophagus thus can create risk for you esophageal cancer.

Ÿ   Barrets esophagus is precancerous condition developing as result of acid reflux into esophagus from your stomach. During long standing exposure of the cells of lower esophagus to stomach content, changes into glandular columnar type. This cellular change or dysphasia  has great risk for esophagus cancer of adenocarcinoma type.

Ÿ  Obesity is risk for your developing esophageal cancer. This is attributed to gastro esophageal reflux. The heavier the weight you carry will put more intra-abdominal pressure on gastro-esophageal junction. This factor increases GERD symptoms and adeno-carcinoma risk.

Ÿ  Taking meals hot and drinking hot liquids like tea, coffee increases your esophageal cancer risk. Consumption of drinks with very high temperature has been shown as almost four fold increase in risk of esophageal cancer (study done in high risk areas of southern America, Argentine, Brazil, Uruguay and Paraguay).

Ÿ  Race of African origin is almost 3% more at risk of esophageal cancer than whites.

Ÿ  Age factor predisposes greatly on any chronic illness like cancer. Esophageal cancer will appear more commonly after your 45th birth day. Risk becomes greater at 65 years and more.

Ÿ  Esophageal cancer is more common if you are living in developing country. This risk is based on nutritional deficiencies because of scarcity of fresh fruits and vegetable in your diet. There is more consumption of chewable tobacco, which is well known strong risk for esophageal cancer. Squamous cell carcinoma is more prevalent in dietary deficiency than adenocarcinoma variety.

Ÿ  Plummer Vinson syndrome, a triad of iron deficiency anemia, inflammation of tongue and dysphagia is linked with squamous cell cancer. It is an inherited condition( passed on from one generation to another).

Ÿ  Radiotherapy to your chest for some other cancer will put you in greater risk of esophageal cancer in later years of life. Risk of esophageal cancer in women who were treated for breast cancer by radiotherapy have shown two fold rise( study done in southeast of England). Similar studies done in north America have revealed that individual who underwent radiotherapy for Hodgkins lymphoma develop esophageal cancer in 15-20 years time.
Ÿ  Males are more at risk of developing esophageal cancer than women. It has occupational hazards, smoking and alcohol playing co-factors. Exposure to trichloethylene and soot dust(black dust particle fumes from coal, wood and oil burning) increases the risk in men.

Life style Support and Prevention

Life style and home remedies

Esophageal cancer carries grave prognostic outcome. you will be detailed about the seriousness of your esophageal carcinoma, the treatment and their side effects.You  should make yourself strong and understanding about prevailing condition on you. Your own composure and will to live and withstand all ill effects of your esophageal cancer can make your survival better and less distressing and depressing. This situation may create a change in your thought process how to cope. Making all positive changes that were missing or getting rid of negative and harmful habits will improve your health emotionally and physically, even with esophageal cancer.

Ÿ  The most common factor which may have caused your esophageal cancer is acid reflex disease. The best way to ease the difficulty is to avoid food which may increase your stomach acidity. Eat food which are not spicy. Small frequent meals will also combat the discomfort of GERD with your cancer. Sleeping with your headend raised will greatly help prevent gastroesophageal reflux.

Ÿ  Swallowing difficulty is most predominant complaint. Eat food item which are cooked to texture suited for your extent of ease to swallow. Take liquids which will not only be easy to swallow but also nutritious. Fresh fruit juices and milk shakes can be your best choices.

Ÿ  Seek advise from diet expert about how to cope with lack of deficiency of important vitamins which may result because of your slow and difficult food intake. If your oncologist/healthcare provider recommends take vitamin supplements to gain strength.

Ÿ  With consultation from your doctor keep active before and during treatment. This will keep your blood circulation to optimum best.

Ÿ  The surgical correction may cause dumping syndrome. This is combination of symptoms of sweating, flushing and diarrhea after taking food. Eating balanced diet and keeping lean weight will help you combat such distresses on long term management.
Ÿ  Take ample rest and avoid undue fatigue. Although the intense chemo, radiotherapy or surgical remedies must have wear you out significantly, but studies have shown that adopting some degree of physical exercise according to your suit will have dual effects of physical as well as mental well being.

Ÿ  Quit smoking forthwith. This will help you in your treatment outcome much better. It will also enhance your longevity after esophageal cancer treatment.

Ÿ  Post treatment consultation with your oncologist/healthcare provider should be maintained. Follow up physical examination and investigation such as scanning or endoscopy will indicate progress of effects of treatment, whether surgical or otherwise.

Alternative medicine

The alternative and complementary medicine has still not been proved to assist in curing your cancer. It surly does help to comfort you from pain, stress and physical and emotional fatigue from your esophageal cancer. They may also counteract the side effects of your treatment. Some time and tested alternative remedies in your esophageal cancer are ;
Ÿ  Acupuncture technique comprises of piercing needles into specific pressure points in your skin. This relieves symptoms of nausea, vomiting and pain accompanying your esophageal cancer and its conventional therapies.

Ÿ  Massage will help your tense muscle and nerves to relax. It involves gentle kneading, rubbing and pressure massage of various parts of your body. It helps minimize anxiety, fatigue and other emotional distresses of your esophageal cancer.

Ÿ  Meditation is done with help of some expert guidance. Breathing exercises, practicing to imagine peaceful surroundings happy events and images will bring back your spiritual well being.

Ÿ  Yoga and tai chi involves stretching and deep breathing exercise. It will keep you active during your esophageal cancer treatment. It will also allay your stress and assist in good sleep.

Ÿ  Aroma therapy is based on the logic of soothing effects of scents on your mind. It uses scents from plant extract, which will make you feel relaxed, control your nausea and stress.

Coping and Support

Ÿ  Stay connected to your friends and close relatives besides your own family. Share and care role will lift your own spirit. During recovery this will help you feel wanted and involved in life. Seek help from them if you want.

Ÿ  Keep yourself abreast with your esophageal cancer status. Asking your doctor in detail about your esophageal cancer prognosis will give you sense of anticipation and readiness of things to come and how to deal with them. Read magazine on esophageal cancer. Search internet for latest information on your esophageal carcinoma.

Ÿ  Join group specific for cancer or individuals with esophageal cancer. Listen to their feelings and be open to express your own. It will generate new energy and vitality of your thought process. Some of those discussions may bring new revelation about coping and modality towards improvement in your daily life.

Ÿ  Acquire some leisure habit. Having some fun will help enjoy life and stay calm. Chose reading good material as hobby. It will keep you stay focused in present.

Ÿ  Volunteer work at charity or helping out other cancer patient will make you feel happier and useful to community even with your own esophageal cancer handicap.


The latest approach in medical practice is based on preventive aspect of any disease or disability. Same is true for your esophageal cancer.

Ÿ  Quitting smoking will remove one risk factor which will reduce risk from all kinds of cancers, including esophageal cancer. It will also keep you protected from some other health hazards of smoking. Sometimes giving up smoking is not that easy. There are alternate or replacement substances available that will help  you get rid or smoking in a way that would be less demanding on you. Nicotine  gums, skin patches and spray have proven record in your efforts to give up smoking.

Ÿ  Binge drinking is risk for esophageal cancer. Drinking in moderation and making it a strong habit will minimize your risk for esophageal cancer.

Ÿ  Reduce weight if your carry weight greater for your height. A BMI below 25 of standard should be the aim. Avoid calories, exercise regularly daily for 15-20 minutes, five days a week can easily help you achieve your goal. This one factor will counter your GERD very effectively.

Ÿ  Diet rich in fresh fruits and vegetables will go long way in helping weight management and acid reflux disease. Though seems difficult to you to have at least five daily servings of fruits and vegetables but its worth a price for preventing esophageal cancer.

Ÿ  Having constant complains of heartburn and stomach pain is risk for GERD. Get it treated in proper way by your family doctor/healthcare provider. This is one of major rsik for esophageal cancer and Barrets esophagus.

Natural treatment

Black Cumin

Being used since the earliest of times, Black cumin seeds (Nigella Sativa) have shown to be a remarkable cure for many diseases. More than several studies have shown the specific benefit of black cumin seeds in countering Esophageal cancer. The oil of the black cumin seeds enhances the production of immune cells, anti-bodies and bone marrow. For cancer therapies it has been shown to suppress tumor growth by 50%. Increased immune response leads of better cancer targeting. Black cumin seeds can also effectively help reduce the aggressiveness of cancer cells that lean on angiogenesis.


The essential curcuminoid of the spice turmeric, curcumin has been known for ages for its use in treating a variety of illnesses. Its greatest benefit is its anti-carcinogenic effects. Its effectiveness in treating esophageal and other cancers lies in its property of causing apoptosis in cancerous cells without harming healthy cells. A study conduction in 2009 on the effects of curcumin states that, " curcumin modulates growth of tumor cells through regulation of multiple cell signaling pathways including cell proliferation pathway (cyclin D1), cell survival pathway (Bcl-2, Bcl-xL, cFLIP, XIAP, c-IAP1), caspase activation pathway (caspase-8, 3, 9), tumor suppressor pathway (p53, p21) death receptor pathway (DR4, DR5), mitochondrial pathways, and protein kinase pathway (JNK, Akt, and AMPK)"(Ravindran J., 2009).


Also known as Meletin and Sophretin, Quercetin is a flavaniod, found in most plants, where onions, apples and tea are some of its sources. Preliminary studies have shown the effectiveness of Quercetin against cancer and other diseases, due to its anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidant properties.  Quercetin can either be found in the skins of plants, or can be taken in supplement form. Supplements range in doses of 50-500mg, although appropriate dosage of Quercetin is unknown. Studies conducted in-vitro against the effectiveness of Quercetin has shown positive results. It has been shown to foster apoptosis (cell death) in cancerous cells. Knowledge of the benefits of Quercetin has been limited though, due to the lack of conclusive research.


 Resveratrol, a natural phenol, is a chemical that is produced naturally by plants when they are attacked by pathogens like fungi and bacteria. The effectiveness of Resveratrol is a widely discussed topic in human and animal studies. Initial research has shown the anti-inflammatory and anti-cancer properties of this natural chemical. Sources for Resveratrol are the skins of red grapes and other fruits. Preliminary studies on rats treated with a carcinogen have shown that Resveratrol (1mg/kg orally) has reduced the size and number of esophageal tumors to a substantial degree (Hong T., 2002). It has also been shown to cause apoptosis in smooth muscle and platelets (Huang Y., 2002).

Although esophageal cancer has very poor prognosis. This is due to its early spread as well as slow progress and late diagnosis. Even then as long as healthcare is being given, you should keep your spirits high and take good care of yourself. A good nutrition will play a major role in maintaining your energy level high. With your doctors advise use supplements to boost any deficiency anticipated. They have proven efficacy to help you overcome the stress and side effects of your esophageal cancer and its treatment.

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