Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Stomach cancer....Its all about prevention.

Prevention of stomach cancer

In the era of modern medicine, there are many ways adopted to generate awareness among public about diseases and disability. As more is known about causes and risk factor of cancer in general and stomach cancer in particular, avoiding those risk will prevent occurrence of such ailments. Following prevention are worth practicing;

Quit smoking to keep an overall good health status. It helps to maintain good cardiac status and at later stages of your life, particularly at old age, it will save you from dreadful stomach cancer. You should know that there are supportive products available to help you in your effort to get rid of smoking habit. You can use nicotine patch, gum or spray. They make your nicotine withdrawal much easier.

Take a diet rich in fruits and fresh vegetable. They are rich source of vitamins and anti-oxidants which fight against cancer development. Reduce salt intake in all kinds of meals. Use refrigerated foods, particularly meat. Non-refrigerated meat has more carcinogens.

GERD is known initiating influence in stomach cancer. Take every care to avoid and treat this condition. Reduce spicy foods in your platter. If you have known GERD take specific treatment. Taking small meals at shorter interval will minimize harmful acid effect on your stomach mucosal lining which has particular risk for adenocarcinoma.

Helicobacter pylori should be eliminated with proper anti-bitocs. This will prevent development of precancerous atropic gastritis in your stomach wall.

Occupational hazards like exposure to chemicals used in rubber industry, heavy metals and asbestos should be avoided. If you are working at such manufacturing units take standard measures like wearing mask and gloves, to avoid inhalation as well as accidental ingestion of chemical toxins causing gastric/stomach cancer.

Keep a lean weight if you are obese. Balance between your weight with your calorie intake all your life(American Cancer Society). It will not only prevent stomach cancer occurrence but other obesity related health issues.

Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs like aspirin, ibuprofen and naproxen have been found to lower your risk of stomach cancer(American Cancer Society). Although they are not being prescribed solely for this reason but when given are prescribed as anti-arthritic drugs their advantage can not be overlooked in preventing stomach cancer.

Genetic counseling and if there is strong history of familial stomach cancer, genetic testing should be undertaken. This may show whether you have the abnormal gene E-cadherin, which is will ultimately lead to stomach cancer at some stage of your life. If such situation arises you may be advised to get your stomach resected to avoid much bigger risk on health and life, the stomach cancer.

Screening for stomach cancer in regions where this life threatening condition is more prevalent have enhanced the life and reduced the risk from stomach cancer( study done in Japan). Such screening includes barium studies involving upper gastro-intestine and endoscopy of your stomach for any suspected ulcer or lesion.

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