Saturday, November 23, 2013

Bronchitis, Life style factors, Support and Prevention


Bronchitis  can be define as,  inflammation of your respiratory passages/tubes, called bronchi and their branches. Bronchitis is a leading condition for which treatment is taken all year round. It occurs as result of infection or allergy with swelling of its walls and increased in mucous secretion into lumen. If it is of short duration, it may last with characteristic symptom of cough. This is termed acute bronchitis. And if same bronchial inflammation and infection is untreated, it may continue for several weeks to months. This is called chronic bronchitis.
Whereas acute bronchitis is usually trivial and self limited, chronic bronchitis may cause serious respiratory damage unless treated aggressively with proper medications. Cold weather conditions, smoke or smoking viral or bacterial infection play role in causing bronchitis

The distress of bronchitis and its long term effects and complication will be explained to you by your doctor. You will have to make your symptoms of bronchitis improve by adopting some basic changes in your daily life style and habits. Chronic bronchitis needs to be taken care of, as acute bronchitis is usually controlled in short time.

Ÿ  You should immediately stop smoking and avoid second hand (passive) smoke if you are non-smoker. This alone will  initiate your recovery even before any medical treatment makes its effect. The earlier you quit, the quicker will be your lung functions stabilization. More delay will cause COPD(chronic obstructive pulmonary disease) to take root, and quitting smoking at this stage may not result in regaining lost lung functions. Using nicotine replacement means and techniques will help you if you face difficulty in stopping smoking. Nicotine patch, nicotine gum, nasal spray have their well established efficacy in such situation.

Ÿ  Avoid exposure to dry air. You will notice that breathing outside in cold dry weather is very hard. Wear mask to have warm air in your lungs. When indoors keep bronchitis and its associated cough to minimum by humidifying your living area. Your bedroom should at least be 30-50% humid.

Ÿ  Working place safety is essential. If your work exposes you to irritants use of safety mask at your industrial unit will greatly reduce your risk as well as symptoms of bronchitis. Even keep covered your nose and mouth if there is more pollution around your traveling and residential locality.

Ÿ  Be active physically by indulging in exercise. A regular routine of six days a week of running or jogging will help you regain you breathing strength. Your exercise session should be 15-20 minutes each, taking care of not exhausting yourself.

Ÿ  Maintain a healthy lean weight as being overweight will further compromise your bronchitis related lung incapacity. It will be a positive step for your over all general health too.

Ÿ  Breathing with pursed lips. This way you breath through nose while you push your abdomen outwards letting more air filling inside your lungs. Exhale with your lips pursed. It helps pressure in lung which doesnt allow collapse of small airways.
Ÿ  Take ample rest, as you know your bronchitis when it gets chronic, is one of COPD(chronic obstructive pulmonary disease) needing more than normal effort for efficient breathing. The best way to achieve this,is to be active and to rest when you need. This way your energy level always be up to required strength to overcome your handicap due to bronchitis.


Ÿ  Vaccination is mainstay of prevention from getting your bronchitis go into more serious chronic stage. Getting your yearly flu shot and pneumonia vaccine on your doctors advise will avoid aggravating infecting organism. The ideal time for getting vaccinated is six weeks before the beginning of flu season (University of Maryland Medical Center).

Ÿ  Your hygiene should be immaculate. Washing your hands before moving out and having your meal is to be followed. Use of anti-bacterial soap has its advantages too. It has been studied that cleaning hands with common dish washing liquid is very potent in killing respiratory syncytial virus(RSV). This virus is commonly involved in causing your bronchitis.

Ÿ  Take foods rich in vitamin C, D, E. Fresh fruits and vegetables will give you such supply or you can use supplements. Not only they prevent bronchitis but also its complication if you are suffering from chronic bronchitis.

Ÿ  Keep proper cross ventilation at your home and working place by leaving windows open at home and installing exhaust fans. This minimizes fumes exposure and keep protection from bronchitis.

6.0     Natural Treatment For Bronchitis


Extracts of a shrubby tree called boswellia serrata. Boswellia is a milky white substance that is known to treat over 60 diseases. It has anti-inflammatory properties and is known to especially reduce the symptoms of bronchitis (The Green Pharmacy Herbal Handbook; James A. Duke; 2000). Carvone, farnesol, limonene, borneol and boswellic acids present in this herb have been used for centuries by ayurvedic practitioners. Boswellia also holds anti-bacterial properties, which are beneficial because bronchitis is likely to cause bacterial infections.


A constituent of turmeric, curcumin having anti-inflammatory properties, is known to be therapeutic for patients with both acute and chronic bronchitis. It suppresses inflammation through multiple pathways (Int J Biochem Cell Biol. 2009; 41(1): 4059). It helps with congestion and stuffiness and works as a healthy alternative for the antibiotics your doctor may have prescribed (Brain Research Institute UCLA: Out Of The Spice Box, Into The Lad).


Rich in vitamins A, C, the B, copper, iron, potassium, tin, selenium, calcium, germanium, aluminum and sulphur fresh garlic contains nearly every beneficial natural substance out there. After cutting fresh garlic an enzyme alliinase that forms allicin is released, leading to the creation of the organosulphur compounds. These compounds have antibiotic properties essential for treating bronchitis (Linus Pauling Institute: Garlic and Organosulfur Compounds).


An iron-binding compound found in milk, lactoferrin is used as an antioxidant and antibacterial and to treat viruses. In the human body, it is involved in the regular bone marrow function. It may modify airway inflammation during bronchitis (J Lab Clin Med. 1990 Feb;115(2):148-58).


A trace mineral, selenium is found in water and foods such as nuts, poultry, seafood, meat, onions and mushrooms. Since it has a role in immune function, selenium supplementation in acute bronchitis proves to be helpful (Healthline). There is evidence that selenium fastens recovery from pneumonia by respiratory syncytial virus, most common cause of your bronchitis. The mode by which it is effective in bronchitis is through its anti-oxidant property.

Vitamin C

Vitamin C is a very strong anti-bronchitis agent/substance. In addition to effect as anti-inflammatory, it strengthens you body cells, enhances your bodys immune response to any invading organism or allergen, inhibits histamine production. It also blocks viral enzymatic  path to replicate. All these influences help you fight bronchitis very effectively. Vitamin C is found in abundance in citrus fruits like oranges, watermelons, in green pepper, tomatoes. If you will be supplement, the ideal would be sodium ascorbate powder, which is well tolerated by your stomach. This is non-acidic buffer supplement formulation. If you take vitamin C in your diet in natural or supplement form, you have lesser chances of having asthma or bronchitis (Nutrition Almanac by John D. Kirschmann). Vitamin C has been shown to particularly effective in smokers. It prevent damage to your lung tissue due to smoking or inhaling passive smoke (Journal of Inflammation Nov. 2008).

Vitamin D

Commonly known as sunshine vitamin, vitamin D is  naturally occurring in human skin. It needs sunlight to become converted into useful effective form. It makes your immune system and neuromuscular system more effective. It also helps in your  fight against the COPD, of which chronic bronchitis is one major contributor. It is shown to be improving substance for your bronchitis if you are depleted in this vitamin in your body. It may not though bring any change in your chronic bronchitis and emphysema situation if given to you under normal levels of vitamin D (Dr. Adam Wanner, MD, pulmonologist at Univesity of Miami Miller School of Medicine).

Vitamin E

The mode by which vitamin E help in your chronic bronchitis (COPD), is by acting as powerful anti-inflammatory and protective against cell damage. Providing protection against free radicals, the byproduct oxygen metabolism and delivery. The benefits of taking vitamin E regularly on COPD, which includes chronic bronchitis and emphysema, are documented and well established. This vitamin has shown to reduce chronic bronchitis risk in women by 10%. They  were given 600IU of vitamin E on alternate days for long period of time (Government funded Women Health Study, NCBI). Vitamin E fights against the oxidative stress and damage to lungs.


This is essential trace element found in foods like red meat, poultry and fish. Also included are legumes, whole grains. It has powerful immune boosting and anti-oxidant effect in your body. Zinc taken as lozenges help to reduce cold symptoms in duration and severity. Symptom of cough associated with your bronchitis has been shown to get better if you take zinc in supplement during an episode of cold. That help to control your acute bronchitis too. It may alter the effects of antibiotic. In this situation it is better not to take zinc supplement without your doctors advise.

In modern day medicine, more emphasis is being focused on preventing all kinds of acquired diseases. Bronchitis is one of many such illnesses. Life style changes, adding all natural ingredients to your diet in form of foods or supplements will go a long way in keeping your respiratory passages in healthy state. In taking these ingredients as supplements, however, your health care provider must be consulted.

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