Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Kidney Cancer


When ever cells of any organ or parts of your body regenerate or start multiplying faster than normal rate, they develop into abnormal mass called cancer. Your kidneys are two in number, located on both sides of spine in mid abdominal region.They have same potential to develop cancer if there are certain causative factors present. It is also known as renal cancer or malignancy because it has tendency to spread to different parts of your body. Most of kidney cancers begin inside the renal tubular cells, main body of kidney, and is know as renal cell carcinoma. They may also arise in renal pelvis, which is the collecting channel of urine. The encouraging aspect of kidney cancer, of which renal cell cancer is commonest variety, is that, it is detected early during some routine non-invasive laboratory examination. Which makes its treatment and prognosis (course and prediction) successful. This positive factor also helps preventing its spread beyond the kidney structure. Most commonly, one of your kidneys may develop cancer, but it is not unusual for both kidneys to be effected with it.

Ÿ  Incidence of your primary kidney cancer has been estimated to be 2%-3% of all cancerous growth in body. The age of occurrence of your renal cancer becomes more common after 45 years and reaches to maximum when you reach to the age of 65-70 years. The kidney cancer also effects children under 4-5 years, commonest being know as Wilms tumor. Renal cell carcinoma accounts for 85% of kidney cancers worldwide.

Ÿ  Gender wise male are more detected to be suffering from kidney cancer than females. The ratio is 1.5/1.

Ÿ  The survival for five years from your kidney cancer is about 70%, Which is due to early detection. In males, kidney cancer is the tenth most common cause of death. 100,000 people die each year due to renal cancer all over the world (kidney health Australia).

symptoms and signs of your renal cancer included are, blood in urine (hematuria), pain in flanks, abdominal mass on examination, fever of long standing not associated with any flu like illness, loss of your apatite, loss of weight for unknown reasons, anemia due chronic blood loss in urine, swelling in ankles and feet due to fluid retention, feeling extreme tiredness. When you kidney carcinoma spread to distant organs it may cause bone pain, breathing difficulty, and hemoptysis ( coughing of mucus with blood).

Risk factors

Ÿ  Age is easily the most common risk for any slow progressing disease. It has same predilections for development of your  renal cancer. The age risk begins after 40 years and peaks at 60 years. Some kidney cancer (Wilms tumor) is found in kids also.

Ÿ  If you are black colored race, you run greater risk for kidney cancer than white colored individuals. The reason for such predilection is not clear.

Ÿ  Obesity is a well proven risk for your kidney cancer. It is concluded from studies that about one fourth (25%) of total renal carcinomas are encountered in obese or overweight for height individuals (UK cancer research study published 2011). Obesity is generally considered if your BMI ( body mass index, the weight for height measure) is found 30 or greater. This is particularly more commonly observed in women, and is attributed to some hormonal changes with obesity. This might put further susceptibility for kidney cancers in females.

Smoking cigar or cigarettes, increases your chances for developing kidney cancers by twice more than non-smokers. There should be no surprise to note that smoking 20 or more cigarettes a day will double your risk for renal cell carcinoma (most common kidney cancer) than non-smokers.

Lifestyle factors, Support and Prevention

As long you are alive and getting treated for some intractable disease or defect, means  not to give up hopes. You have to try all possible means to make your life as comfortable as possible. This may require adopting big changes and habits that you were following before you were diagnosed as suffering from kidney cancer. There are certain factors other than therapeutics, that may help you live more relaxed, less stressed and depressed daily life. Your kidney cancer may be needing a long term treatment, hence your adoptability to all the side effects of chemo, surgery or radiotherapy is desired. 

Ÿ  Alternative treatment so far has no well established authentic curative or preventive value. They do have great supportive element in managing your kidney cancer before, during and after treatment has begun. Some of you may still decide to have chosen alternate treatments to get some comfort from pain and stress associated with your cancer. It is done almost always in conjunction with chemo, radiotherapy or surgical palliation of kidney cancer.

Ÿ  Acupuncture is one very old modality used to ease pain and stress of severe protracting illnesses, like your kidney cancer. It is achieved by inserting needles in your body at specific pressure points on skin(National Institute of Health). It will help you combat pain, depression, headaches during your renal cancer therapy and afterwards.

Ÿ  Massage therapy has not been linked to treat your kidney cancer. It will be definitely a way to reduce your distress of cancer diagnosis, side effects of treatment and overall feeling of well being. It also helps you get better sleep, lift your spirit from low ebb to greater levels. It involves pressing , softly squeezing and rubbing your soft body parts, which bring sense of aura and comfort.

Ÿ  Meditation helps to improve your life quality. It is a way of body and mind control. Its has been found to be very beneficial in all kinds of chronic pain, particularly so in your kidney  cancer condition (National Institute of Health). Your meditation guide can be your doctor, psychiatrist or an expert in meditation field. It is usually done in place/room where you are free of any external sounds or noise. It is shown to enhance your mood, immune system and increase your mental ability and alertness, a positive change in your kidney cancer condition.

Ÿ   Exercise regularly according to your state of health and stamina. This should be done with your health care provider’s advise. There is no doubt that exercise will counteract the feeling of fatigue you get from your renal cancer and its therapies you have gone through.

Coping and Support

Having the knowledge of one of kidney cancer patient is quite distressing on its own. You will have to come to terms with the situation by yourself. You will need equal support from your dear and loved ones around. Your doctor/oncologist will always be there, in case you need advise regarding any change in remedy or health complaints. You will be more stable mentally if you make free communication with your family members and friends. Share with them each and everything about your kidney cancer status, the progress and all the distresses of your condition.

Ÿ  Obtain information regarding your kidney cancer from your oncologist/healthcare provider. Internet is also a good source for gaining minute details about kidney cancer, treatment and associated side effects with each modality. This will make you more assure of what you will have to do to face these.
Ÿ  There are local cancer groups where you can join and share their experience, grievances. You will also be able to get some new information regarding you kidney cancer.


There are well known risk factors for developing any cancer. Same is true for kidney cancer. Avoiding those risk will prevent occurrence of kidney cancer.

Ÿ  Quitting smoking will play a major role in preventing kidney cancer, as it is a well known and big risk for cancer development. It has some more benefits on your health, like positive effect on cardiac status and preventing lung cancer. In addition to your own will to quit you can take some slow nicotine release substances to quit smoking gradually. Your doctor will be guiding you how to use these.

Ÿ  If you are involved with occupation which exposes you to cancer causing toxins. These are steel manufacturing units, asbestos production work, benzene exposure in batteries making occupation. You need to take all standard safety measure to prevent long term accumulation of toxins which may cause kidney cancer. Wearing mask along with other measure will be very effective.

Ÿ  Alcohol in moderation should be the ideal prevention for avoiding this risk factor for cancer.

Ÿ  Well balanced diet which is rich in vitamins and minerals is healthy choice. Fresh fruits and vegetable, fish . Avoid meat, butter, cheese, cakes and fat rich biscuits. Having fish rich in omega-3 fatty acid concentration is shown to prevent kidney cancer.

Ÿ  Blood pressure control is well advised. This is risk for kidney cancer. Take your medicine for high blood pressure as advised by the doctor. Reduce your salt intake ,specially using table salt, exercise regularly to keep strong and stable cardiovascular status.
Ÿ  Reduce weight, if you have more weight for height. This is achieved effectively with taking good high fiber diet and avoiding calories. Exercise on daily basis for 20 minutes at stretch. Exercise techniques can brisk walk, swimming, cycling and walking uphill.

Natural Treatment

Black Cumin

Natures cure for just about any disease, black cumin is used as an anticancer, immunoprotectant agent. Also known as nigella sativa, it lessens oxidative stress during cancer and works towards the apoptosis of kidney cancer cells (Corder C, Benghuzzi H, Tucci M, Cason Z., University of Mississippi Medical Center, Jackson, MS 39216, USA). Black cumin contains all the essential fatty acids required by the human body. It also contains iron and manganese.


Curcumin is a substance from the Indian spice Turmeric. It is known to induce apoptosis in the most malign kidney cancers (Nutr Cancer. 1996;26(1):111-20). It also inhibits tumor growth and reduces inflammation caused by kidney cancer. Further research has acknowledged that it protects the kidneys from developing cancer and sensitizes the cancer to chemotherapeutic and radiotherapy agents (Nutr Cancer. 2010;62(7):919-30).


Epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG) is a green tea catechin, or better known as an antioxidant. It has been proved to promote apoptosis (programmed cell death) of cancer cells. It is more effective when used with quercetin, which is also a green tea compound (Food & Function Issue 6, 2012). Research also proves that EGCG inhibits proliferation in renal cell carcinoma (Oncol Rep. 2009 Mar;21(3):635-40).


 Found in a number of plants like soy beans, lupin, fava beans and kudzu, Genistein hails from a family of isoflavones that occur naturally in these plants. Genistein has been found to have anti-oxidant properties and has also been shown to exhibit anthelmintic reaction. The major role of Genistein is as a tyrosine kinase inhibitor. It inhibits the on/off function of enzyme tyrosine kinase, thus reducing the risk for the development of cancer. Also recognized as an angiogenesis inhibitor, Genistein reduces the cell's capacity to multiply and divide, and having an overall effect on its survivability.


 Produced by the pineal gland, Melatonin is a naturally produced hormone. Melatonin is produced for maintaining the body's circadian cycle (Sleep-wake cycle). Studies have also shown its powerful anti-oxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. Combined with anti-cancer drugs, melatonin has be shown to produce effective results in suppressing cancer cell growth in your renal malignancy, due to its anti-oxidant properties. Melatonin is naturally produced when the body is asleep at night, and this has been linked to higher cancer rates for individuals who work at night (Rosner B, 2009). Melatonin produced naturally usually satisfies the body's need for the chemical, but there are other sources for it such as almonds, peanuts, milk and other foods. Supplement form of Melatonin can also be taken under prescription of your doctor.

Omega-3 Fatty Acid

Omega 3 fatty acids are polyunsaturated fatty acids that are mainly obtained from marine and plant oils. Omega 3 fatty acid is considered very essential for the human body as it takes part in various bodily processes. Omega 3 fatty acids are are a part of three members consisting of alpha-linolenic acid (ALA), eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA), and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA). These fatty acids have been known to suppress the cell growth of cancerous cells. They are also linked to preserve the functioning of kidneys if taken in specific doses regularly.


 Occurring commonly in certain herbs, Silibinin is a flavonoligan and is a major component of silymarin. It is a potent anti-oxidant and has been found in various studies to have anti-cancer effects. A study reported on the Journal of National Cancer Institute in 2006, found Silibinins effectiveness in combating tumor growth by reducing the number of blood vessels that allow the tumor to grow. In-vitro Silibinin has also been shown to have wide anti-cancer effects against breast carcinoma cells, human lung carcinoma cells and other types of cancer (Zhao J, 1999).

Your kidney cancer needs different modalities of therapies at single given period after diagnosis. This can be hard on you. You need good diet to cope with side effects associated with each method of treatment you are going through. Diet rich in vitamins and minerals will surly provide the necessary strength. You can use supplements after taking your doctors advise. These will provide all in one combination form to make up for any dietary deficiency as they have proved good support in chronic ailments like kidney cancer.

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