Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Diet and Folliculitis: Eat Healthy and Vitamin Rich

Inflammation of hair follicles is called follicultis. Red pimples which are itchy with a white head at their center are the characteristic of this rash. This  can  occur on any hairy region of body skin. In addition to keeping a good hygiene for healthy skin and healthy life, a diet rich in sufficient contents of vitamins always ensure a healthy glowing skin. A healthy diet will protect skin and its appendages from all kind inflammation and infection. Association of diet and folliculitis can not be overlooked.

As we know folliculitis is the most commonly occurring skin condition. Which  although has a tendency of self cure with simple measure like standard hygiene and use home remedies. It is also strongly helped by a diet rich in vitamins important for keeping  skin strong and glowing. Inflammation of skin in folliculitis can be controlled by taking vitamin supplement or topical lotion and creams .

In individuals with folliculitis, not taking a balanced diet rich in important vitamins, the following edible items will help in healing and preventing recurrences:

a) Vitamin C rich diet: the role of vitamin C in collagen building is well established. Other advantages of vitamin C are ,that it enhances immune system and acts as anti-oxidant, thereby protects from cell damage. This vitamin is present in natural foods like kiwis, oranges, strawberries, broccoli.

b) Fortified cereals, sunflower seeds, almonds peanut, butter, and vegetable oil in balance diet give sufficient amount of vitamin E. This,  like vitamin C, is a potent anti-oxidant giving protection against cell damage. Topical use of creams and ointments containing vitamin E will promote healing in folliculitis. It can also help in preventing scar formation in folliculitis.

c) Fortified cereals, organ meat, fortified Soya products have vitamin B6 and when supplemented, help in the formation of new healthy cells fasten healing in skin effected with folliculitis.

d) foods containing folic acid added to diet in person effected by folliculitis, potentiates healing by cell development and protein build up needed for repair of damage tissues. Leafy vegetables, whole grains breads and fortified cereals have significant amount of folic acid.

e) Green tea is an anti-oxidant , it can help in reducing inflammation in follicultis effected skin. It is also rich in other vitamins like E,D and K.
f) Vitamin A is shown enhance immune function . Sweet potato with peel, carrots, fortified cereals,  spinach and blue berries  have Vitamin A. Its value is an advantage in diabetic with folliculitis, as it builds up immune system. The  recurrent folliculitis and its complication  in diabetic patients is prevented .

Eating tomatoes, beans ,peas, lentils , salmon, fatty fish all strengthen skin integrity and youthfulness. They not only help in healing process but prevent complication and recurrences of follicultis.

Foods to be avoided presumably are tea, coffee, sugary foods especially cakes and pastries, sweets, chocolates, white sugar and white bread. Not to forget about avoiding smoking as it causes premature ageing of skin and its susceptibility for folliculitis and other skin conditions.

We must keep in mind that best foods chosen are the balanced ones. They are not only good for healthy skin protecting it from damage and infection but also promote good health in wider perspective.

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