Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Stomach cancer....Its all about prevention.

Prevention of stomach cancer

In the era of modern medicine, there are many ways adopted to generate awareness among public about diseases and disability. As more is known about causes and risk factor of cancer in general and stomach cancer in particular, avoiding those risk will prevent occurrence of such ailments. Following prevention are worth practicing;

Quit smoking to keep an overall good health status. It helps to maintain good cardiac status and at later stages of your life, particularly at old age, it will save you from dreadful stomach cancer. You should know that there are supportive products available to help you in your effort to get rid of smoking habit. You can use nicotine patch, gum or spray. They make your nicotine withdrawal much easier.

Take a diet rich in fruits and fresh vegetable. They are rich source of vitamins and anti-oxidants which fight against cancer development. Reduce salt intake in all kinds of meals. Use refrigerated foods, particularly meat. Non-refrigerated meat has more carcinogens.

GERD is known initiating influence in stomach cancer. Take every care to avoid and treat this condition. Reduce spicy foods in your platter. If you have known GERD take specific treatment. Taking small meals at shorter interval will minimize harmful acid effect on your stomach mucosal lining which has particular risk for adenocarcinoma.

Helicobacter pylori should be eliminated with proper anti-bitocs. This will prevent development of precancerous atropic gastritis in your stomach wall.

Occupational hazards like exposure to chemicals used in rubber industry, heavy metals and asbestos should be avoided. If you are working at such manufacturing units take standard measures like wearing mask and gloves, to avoid inhalation as well as accidental ingestion of chemical toxins causing gastric/stomach cancer.

Keep a lean weight if you are obese. Balance between your weight with your calorie intake all your life(American Cancer Society). It will not only prevent stomach cancer occurrence but other obesity related health issues.

Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs like aspirin, ibuprofen and naproxen have been found to lower your risk of stomach cancer(American Cancer Society). Although they are not being prescribed solely for this reason but when given are prescribed as anti-arthritic drugs their advantage can not be overlooked in preventing stomach cancer.

Genetic counseling and if there is strong history of familial stomach cancer, genetic testing should be undertaken. This may show whether you have the abnormal gene E-cadherin, which is will ultimately lead to stomach cancer at some stage of your life. If such situation arises you may be advised to get your stomach resected to avoid much bigger risk on health and life, the stomach cancer.

Screening for stomach cancer in regions where this life threatening condition is more prevalent have enhanced the life and reduced the risk from stomach cancer( study done in Japan). Such screening includes barium studies involving upper gastro-intestine and endoscopy of your stomach for any suspected ulcer or lesion.

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Eat..but be easy on yourself !

Is there a bad Cholesterol and good Cholesterol?

Before we focus on to answering this question let us answer the second question first!

What is cholesterol?
It’s a waxy, fat based substance present in your body cells. It is not possible for this “waxy” substance, named cholesterol to circulate in your body freely. To make its transportation possible , it is shaped into small bundles with carrier protein molecules. The  lipids or fat cholesterol is inside and protein covering outside. The small bundles or molecules can easily mix with blood and circulate. They are termed “lipo-proteins”.  These lipoproteins are mainly formed in liver cells.

What function it performs in our body?

That is a good question, thought you would never ask!. It has very important function to perform in your body.

1) It forms component of hormones in both men(testosterone) and women(estrogens)

2) It forms vitamin D in your body.

3) It builds up outer lining of your body‘s cells.

4) It is a component of bile acid, which helps in digestion of  fats in body.

How much cholesterol or “lipoprotein” do you need each day for all these functions?

It’s a very relevant query. Anything close to 1000mg is what you need every day, of lipoprotein(cholesterol). And that is all being formed by your liver cells. You will be needing 300mg of cholesterol from dairy, meat, fish products. Anything extra will not be of any benefit to your body’s well being. The reason is quite simple. Like oily cutlery that can clog the sink drain one day, extra cholesterol(waxy substance) may clog your circulatory system if the load is in excess of what is needed. Cholesterol(lipoproteins)  present in your body are of different types. These types are HDL, LDL, VLDL, ILDL. Their normal concentration in blood should be maintained for healthy bodily functions, particularly of your cardio-vascular system. But not all lipoprotein types can be harmful for your body.

Yes ,there is bad cholesterol and good cholesterol!

“Bad cholesterol” is also known as Low density Lipoprotein(LDL). This is a form in which most cholesterol is concentrated and carried to different tissues of  your body. It is called low density because the particles are less dense than other lipoprotein types. It gets easily deposited along the walls of your arteries while it circulates, if concentration is on higher side. It results in formation of plaque and ultimate narrowing of effected vessel’s lumen. Of serious danger are the blood vessels of your heart, as narrowing of lumen will hamper its oxygen supply. Then there is more serious consequence of breakaway of plaque from main deposit and causing sudden heart attack by blocking major vessel or its branch to heart muscles. The safe blood level of “bad cholesterol” is 100mg/dl or less, above and beyond which it can get real bad! The VLDL(very low density lipoproteins)and IDL(intermediate density lipoproteins) also fall into same category. It happens so, that they ultimately get converted into LDL.

Now the “good” cholesterol! HDL(high density lipoprotein). And why it so called? It is a volunteer, acting to get rid of excess cholesterol from circulation. What it does is ,it absorbs extra circulating cholesterol ,takes it to liver. From there through bile juice the excess cholesterol is excreted. A blood level of 60mg/dl is protective(negative risk factor) for your heart and circulatory integrity. Level below 40mg/dl puts you at high risk of coronary artery disease.

Now you know who’s bad, what you should be doing to protect yourself?

Making physical activity your routine, is one good answer. A slow to brisk walk of 30 minutes daily to total of  two and half hours/week maximum will increase your “good cholesterol HDL”. quitting smoking raise HDL blood level. Loose excess weight you carry. Prefer vegetable fat over animal fat. Use olive oil, canola oil or peanut oil. Your meal platter should have more fresh fruits and vegetables. All these measure will raise your HDL, the “good cholesterol” and will keep you clean from excess and “bad cholesterol”.

Friday, October 26, 2012

It helps to know.

Does Alcohol kill the brain cells?

You must have noticed that when you attend  a party and take few drinks just for pleasure and company, you feel drowsy with slurred speech. In addition, your vision gets blurred, and sometimes the gait also becomes difficult. But as you stop drinking all reverts back to normal. That may give you some idea that alcohol does effect your brain! But drinking at constant period of times, you start getting signs of deficit in your mental functions. The memory loss and social interactions, work performance and living hygiene. All these features stay even if you stop drinking, indicating a significant negative and harmful influence of Alcohol on your brain cells. Memory loss in terms of incidence, people, spoken words and objects.

Why Alcohol upsets the activity of your brain?

This question is still to be answered for sure. Under controlled drinking, alcohol effects are easily reversible. But heavy drinking for longer periods (binge drinking) have far reaching negative  influence on your brain cells. It is termed alcohol related brain impairment (ARBI). One aspect of damage to brain function in alcohol drinking in excess, is vitamin B1 deficiency. How this happens is not very difficult to guess. Alcohol causes such inflammatory changes in stomach wall that it hampers absorption of thiamine (B1) vitamin. This can be secondary to liver damaging effect of alcohol. Whatever the causative influence, the net result appears in form of damage to your brain. You may just experience memory impairment, or may develop episodes of black outs. If you keep on drinking heavy, the brain damage can go into syndrome of symptoms of memory loss, visual impairment, in-coordination of muscles, called Wernike-Korsakoff’s syndrome (Thiamine deficiency). The damage alcohol does to brain in W-K syndrome is sometimes permanent if left untreated with marked reduction in brain cells density.

Alcohol does not kill but succeeds in paralyzing brain cells.

As for number counts, alcohol does not literally kill brain cells. Or you may say it is still to be proved that it does, although it does everything else to your brain functions! But it has some inhibitory effect on new brain cells growth. What it does do is, it destroys the dendrites or antennae of brain cells. The impact is loss of proper communication between cells and malfunction. In more simpler term brain cells stop talking to each other. The damage to these communication channels is reversible once alcohol drinking stops for longer duration for regeneration to take place. The younger you are, the more damaging effects you will manifest, when indulgence in alcohol is of longer duration.

What damage does alcohol causes to brain?

Poor nutritional status, due to chronic (of long standing) alcoholism may cause Thiamine deficiency. There is not only damage to nerve supply to eye muscles, but also to very important part of brain called Cerebellum. The Cerebellum is helping in your body’s  coordination movements and some learning abilities. You should know that computerized tomographic (CT scanning) studies have revealed significant shrinkage of brain in both male in female alcoholics compared to non-alcoholics. There is all possibility for you to develop alcoholic dementia (deterioration in intellectual functions) if  binge drinking goes unabated. More of female alcoholics are effected by this condition. As it is very clear to you by now that, your heavy alcohol drinking, has deleterious effects on brain functions, whether it results from direct impact or general nutritional deficiency is still unclear. If you are female, you should be aware that alcohol harms you faster than male, even though men drink more. It is also a fact of significance that , when you are pregnant your baby will show signs of arrested growth and brain defects. Saying all that, most of adverse effects on your brain due to heavy drinking are reversible once you start rehab. Supplementing this recovery phase with good diet and vitamins will improve your mental and physical performance.

A good news ..is news!

Great news...in a long while and may be more to come...OGRA/petroleum ministry/ CNG owners racket/mafia unearthed by non other than...highest court...another one..mallack interior's undue long reach cut short..again..by..The highest court of my country...he holds no authority in shutting down cell phone service ..says The CJ.. now next...Dr.Asim hussain may be called in to regurgitate what/how much he took from 10 million minted from licence kick backs of new CNG station owners during his tenure..so will mallack..

should they not runaway/resign,as they made mockery of the honorable office they were holding ..and hold accountable for day in day out price shuffling/playing around !

its past midnight and I want to see..CNG go down to 51 next morning..as announced by Mr.Ghayas paracha..CNG association boss..

Monday, October 1, 2012

Reality pains.....

where a country is in religious turmoil, fanatics running amok with burning effigies , banks, churches, vehicles and killing fellow humans at free will...where economy is plagued by price hike, extortionist, innocent biz people getting kidnapped and returning dead, where life ,property and respect of common citizen is safe at worst ever level...and yet our ever so incompetent " interior minister " takes a luxury trip to watch a "bat ball"match....what was in for him?...yes your guess is my guess...he made...no less than..billion plus.....and yes before he boarded the aircraft..he was overheard while he kicked the runway strip with his shoes"patriotism my foot...let the money roll"......and the pathan boy was right"doctor saab phir bhi eik chance hai humare paas"poor boy...I wonder how many grown ups are still calculating what went wrong...they might be as good a fool as.........

Who cares..but I........

Pakistani fans..be ready ..The spoiler has reached again..he did it once and now he is surely gonna do it again..he is going to spoil your world cup....with this shaitan sitting with players..we are bound to be on loosing side....very strangely and to my amazement a pathan boy of ten working errands at grocery shop informed me about this criminal reaching srilanka...he added..."Doctor saab phir bhi eik chance hai hamare paas" I was speechless....you make out what he meant !

(written 9 hours b4 the schedule match...turned out true!)

Friday, September 21, 2012

Today in history...

Yes !please ,I like to have two sunny-side ups, two parathas, some jam, and hot tea with full cream. But Sir, this is not your usual! So don’t you know today is not a usual day…..they announced today as to “Mark their love and so much respect for our Holy Prophet(PBUH) “…..now what they plan to do for the rest of the year…..oh! That …don’t you worry …they have mother’s day, father’s day, granny’s day, granna’s day, Easter, valentine, apple picking, earth day, forest day…ahhhhhh so much all the year…and Satan’s days…..almost all the year round!

A religion so sacred and practical has been converted into a violent theme. Practicing on teaching of Islam a far cry for all…a shameful present of such a strong faith. This is not a sermon ..this is what we have become….Hypocritical in our acts and statements.
So today is a “Public Holiday”…and they have “promised” it will be same day each year,21st of September.

The right path.

Question: If someone is abusing Islam or Allah or Prophet Muhammad in front of us. What Islamic teachings say about that. If the said person is a non-Muslim and he is not in front of us but sending us email with abusive content. Is it become our religious duty to stop him by force, How should we treat such a person. In case we are unable to stop him by force, Is sin come to us? Let me know the answer in the light of Quran and Sunnah.

Answer: The situation was faced by the Prophet صلی اللہ علیہ وآلہ وسلم and his companions while they were staying at Makkah. Allah, the Almighty has guided us about this situation in the Quran:

وَقَدْ نَزَّلَ عَلَيْكُمْ فِي الْكِتَابِ أَنْ إِذَا سَمِعْتُمْ آيَاتِ اللَّهِ يُكْفَرُ بِهَا وَيُسْتَهْزَأُ بِهَا فَلا تَقْعُدُوا مَعَهُمْ حَتَّى يَخُوضُوا فِي حَدِيثٍ غَيْرِهِ

Already has He sent you Word in the Book, that when ye hear the signs of Allah held in defiance and ridicule, ye are not to sit with them unless they turn to a different theme: if ye did, ye would be like them. (Al Nisa 4:140)

Look in the mirror....

Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)) was a very kind person and he never got angry even when people were very naughty.

There was one old woman who was very bad. She used to throw rubbish on the Holy Prophet (S) whenever he passed her house.

Prophet Muhammad (S) used to have to pass her house every morning when he went to the mosque and every morning this naughty old woman used to throw her rubbish on him but he never ever got angry with her.

One day when the Holy Prophet (S) was passing the old woman's house, she did not throw rubbish on him. He stopped and asked the old woman's neighbour if she was all right because she was not there to throw rubbish on him.

The neighbour told him that the old woman was not well and she was in bed. So the Holy Prophet (S) went to see the old woman because it is good to go and see people who are not well and ask them if they need anything.

When the old woman saw the Holy Prophet (S), she thought he had come to tell her off and she said "why did you wait until I was ill to tell me off, why didn't you come when I was well and strong?"Prophet Muhammad (S) told the old woman that he had not come to tell her off but to see and look after her because she was not well and Allah tells us to look after people who are not well.


Most of Muslims are aware and have knowledge of Holy Prophet's(PBUH)) life...how many of us or how many of those showing violence in the name Islam and deep love for Prophet(S.A.W)...practice Islam and follow the teaching of Prophet Mohammad S.A.W(PBUH)....these are the times when our preachers of Islam as person or party should take the youth on right path ..to guide them to pray in mosque, to protect life and property of their Muslim brothers and sisters, not harm any Muslim or non-Muslim.....

just watched a youth being carried by two law enforcement personal appearing exhausted during so called religious protest day after day in most Muslim countries.....how much they have exhausted in practicing true teaching of Islam or praying five times a day or paying Zakat..just raising a flag with kalma e shadah written ,waving it all , not even caring its sanctity ..will hardly do any good to their believes and faith in religion....

There will be a "DAY OF JUDGEMENT" and all have to pay for their wrong doings..even we as Muslim also!

Saturday, August 25, 2012

In the night of darkness.... city..........once was mine

when this song was first written and sung ..it was for some "other purpose"...and now at present era and in my lovely city of blooming ,glowing lights...it is way to express humble lyrics ..towards K.E.S.C aka Frayal Talpur enetrprises limited(power) tariff(unlimited)..by powerless men/women and crying children.......as we just have been awaken from dream as though we had power allover for four yes....four days non-stop.....it was dream...but good one...back to real uncivilized life dark ages of cavemen....why ?who and when? any answer

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Keep your baby clean.

Inflammation of hair follicles starts as soon as hair damage takes place. Although there is no age predilection for development of follicultis, children and folliculitis go hand in hand. For obvious reason of:

1) Underdeveloped immune system: this weak link makes a child more prone to  suffer from diseases including folliculitis.

2) Bad hygiene: This is in part because of carelessness of parents for not keeping good child hygiene. Not changing soiled cloths promptly, results in itchy skin and hair damage. Not taking regular showers after school or sports activity creates favorable ground for follicultis in children, using common swimming pool or hot spa with group or community exposes a child to follicultis due  less common bacteria.

3) Tightly packing an infant while traveling or making the child wear cloth of polyester material. This may cause sweating and friction on skin and which leads to follicultis in children.

4) Diabetes:  Type 1 diabetes in a child or adolescent  makes a child more susceptible to get skin condition from mild follicultis to boils on different areas. The immune system is compromised. Children with HIV/AIDS have very low immunity and get infected readily by fungi and yeast.

Follicultis in children has the same initiation as it occurs in all other age group. Hair   damage for any of reason mentioned, and exposure of follicles to micro-organism present on skin of child as normal flora. The most common locations for follicultis in children, are scalp, buttocks, arms and legs and face. Commonly as it happens children recover from folliculitis if early and proper care is taken. The lesion is typical with small red pimple on locations  where hair follicles are present. Effected child has mild to moderate itch, with tender pimple and a white head due to pus inside. The   surrounding skin also is tender.

It usually resolves without aggressive treatment while keeping good hygiene of child . But delay may result in its progression to:

A) Development into a boil: in which the small red pimple becomes larger as pus collection continues.

B) Developement into furunculous: Which is a condition when boils spread in chain pattern by forming tunnel under superficial layer. This gives appearance of bunch of boils!
C) Development into cellulitis: More deeper involvement  present as wide spread cellulitis. When this happens, the child may show signs of  fever, chills and fatigue.

Management of children with follicultis: The following are some common and regular practices parents have to adopt when it comes to treating follicultis in children at early stage:-

a) Regular bath with anti-septic soap and drying immediately, usually makes follicultis heal and disappear.

b) Hot and moist compresses to effected area, will sooth itching. Use of calamine lotion is also very effective cooling agent in controlling itching and limiting folliculitis to small area.

c) Use of over the counter steroids of mild strength to relieve itching and inflammation. Application of hot and moist swabs also help give comfort from itching and clean the effected skin from dead tissues.

In case the above measure do not control pediatrician will advise for culture of   effected lesion, be it a boil, small abscess or skin scrapings. This will help in finding specific organism causing follicultis in your child.

Most common bacteria which is involved  is staphylococcus aureus. Measure usually advised are ;

1) anti-bacterial lotion hexachlophene wash.
2) anti-biotic local cream/lotion containing either clindamycin or erythromycin, twice daily application.
3) oral anti-biotic tablets or syrup formulation. Cephalexin or erythromycin may be given for 7-10 days. In resistant cases combination anti-biotics such as trimathoprim- sulfamethoxazole ,or amoxicillin and clindamycing are advised.

4) If fungal infection is the cause of child with follicultis , pediatrician may advise ketoconazole cream, or meconazole cream/ointment may be used twice daily for 14 days. 

The best part of children with folliculitis is keeping a standard hygiene, early detection and home based or over the counter treatment to prevent aggravating folliculitis in children.

Sunday, July 1, 2012

Nature has the cure.

 Time has come  for the medical practitioners to put more focus on treating human ailments through remedies available in nature, as well as bringing  changes in their clients   life style which , based more on having healthier diet, and good physical activity. In following paragraphs  we can make our assessment as to how much herbs in nature can treat diseases, unlike synthetically produced drug ,, without putting health into risk.

Apart from being a natural cure for cholesterol, IBS, diabetes and other diseases, aloe vera is most importantly a cure for cancer. It is a miraculous medicinal herb that prevents illnesses. It has been proved beyond any doubt that , so many of  diseases, no matter how trivial or serious they  are , the cure is better available in nature than in synthetically produced  drugs.

I have many feed backs on this from my clients, as a physician, that alternative medicine , based on herbal ingredients, not only cure , but that they don’t have any side effects, almost all synthetically manufactured drugs do. Taking Aloe vera ,as an example, comes the best, be it skin problems,  to as once thought untreatable Aids.

The juice extracted from Aloe vera plant so abundant , even in most of  dwellings  , has proven to be a life saver for so many of asymptomatic HIV positive patients. This alone is a good lead for, all those engaged in medical profession to focus more and more on treating patients with natural herbs medicines, rather than synthetic drug produce.

As we further deepen our research and data , it becomes more evident  ,that cancer once thought incurable , can effectively be suppressed to stage of total remission and cure by natural herbs . Aloe vera again has proven its efficacy.

Gallbladder health

Its location is precisely under the right lobe of liver , more or less on right of midline of abdominal cavity. It acts as storage and concentrating sac for bile produced by the liver(hepatic) cells. As we all know that bile is juice , needed for the digestion and easy absorption of  fats , fat soluble vitamins, and to neutralize acidity of partly digested meals.

It is common seat of  disease processes, effecting ,fatty fertile  female of forties and plus.
The most common of ailments that originate is gallbladder stone, technically termed ,cholelithiais, and resulting from an imbalance between the elements comprising bile.
Most of the cases are symptomatic, but some are detected on routine sonograms. The symptoms, range from severe acute or recurrent pain on right side of abdomen ,known as billiard colic, with or without rise in temperature.

The gallbladder stone can become a chronic or illness of long standing, giving a new face to a pre-existing condition, now termed cholecystitis. Although pain occurs with same intensity but in this happening ,it is accompanied by vomiting, fever and diarrhea. Although cholecystitis can develop in the absence of any gall stones, it is less common a feature. In either of situation ,pre-surgical antibiotics  treatment is also needed to clean the infected organ of bacteria and thence avoiding complications.

The treatment of choice in both condition is ultimately, removal of gallbaldder,  as at present time cholecystectomy(removal of gallbladder) involves lesser surgery than it was few years back. This can be done either as by traditional open method or laprotomy, or by laparoscopic method ,in which small holes are made to make an approach to gallbladder.

Monday, June 18, 2012

Love and respect is immortal


Yes I was young , just few years ago…not few may be….40 plus years ago…true I am talking about my childhood, my Father and mother were always close by , watching, caring ,worrying , doing all they could to make my life as comfortable as possible,  sacrificing their own sleep and comfort.
And I, love them, still. My father left me …to heavenly abode , some years back…and I did cry…bit quietly…I never left him ..even as I crossed 18.
He use to get angry…specially for one thing…his stock of cigarettes.. and  he would just send for few extra packets ..just in  case…there is some closure….I never got upset with him for this.. nor for anything…

He used to tell his stories ..of pre-partition  struggle…and the luxuries all our relatives left , and this was his treasure…his past. What he faced here , is story…may remain untold to many.. but few .and we still loved both …maa and abba….all year long…not just for single day but 365 days a year, 7 days a week, and 60 minutes an hour. I remember each and every moment spent………

Yet , here , I don’t recall any day we labeled …as his day…as we had all the days of the year …kids day…as they shower their love and care…and they had all our respect and care same way…I am lucky…I even made him breakfast…last day of his at home…before he was taken to hospital …with fracture neck of femur…and he was buried with same……Thanks to my colleagues….”for their kind attention”……If I ever want kill some one …that would be one specific senior belonging to my profession…
I remember my father every day…not just today or another day coming next year…….

Sunday, June 17, 2012

taken from....

Marvellous answer
A mechanic was removing the cylinder heads from the motor of a car when he spotted a famous heart surgeon in his shop, who was standing off to the side, waiting for the service manager to come to take a look at his car.

The mechanic shouted across the garage, "Hello Doctor!! Please come over here for a minute."

The famous surgeon, a bit surprised, walked over to the mechanic.

The mechanic straightened up, wiped his hands on a rag and asked argumentatively, "So doctor, look at this. I also open hearts, take valves out, grind 'em, put in new parts, and when I finish this will work as a new one. So how come you get the big money, when you and me is doing basically
the same work? "

The doctor leaned over and whispered to the mechanic.... .

"Try to do it when the engine is running".

Thanks maa....

A human body can bear only 45 del (units) of pain. But at the time of giving birth, a mother feels upto 57 del (units) of pain... This is similar to 20 bones getting fractured, all at the same time!!

This is just to tell you the extent to which a mother loves her child! 'Love your mom till the end of your life.The lady with whom you fight almost everyday, suffered so much pain just to give you a beautiful life!

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Looks like Djokovic may pull out another fighting come back...from two sets down...he won 3rd...and when rain stopped play.....he already has broken Rafa's serve...is Rafa loosing his footings...or Djokovic just woke up? lets see...we will go to 5th set for sure now....or 2morrow!
Novak Djokovic and Rafael Nadal will have to come back to Roland Garros tomorrow to complete their French Open final after rain forced play to be abandoned for the day with the Spaniard leading 6-4 6-3 2-6 1-2 in Paris.

Best of sports.....tennis.

Rafa reigns....King Of Clay court..keeps his throne....started with a smash..faulted on way...but truly The Winner...and that too ,of record 7(seven) french open titles...more to come..

Saturday, June 2, 2012

The Story of Travelling Mat.

So my elder brother arrived... from Toronto, Canada, to Karachi, Bakistan. And for doing so he chose "The National Flag Carrier". Why he did that, and what happened with him is a story worth a good guessing.

After listening to the tale, the only comment I made was, "Alhumdolillah... Maa is lucky to see you with her." And I continued, "Even if you had dialed a wrong number to laloo khait and taken advise from the kid on line, he would have told you to rather not take "The National Flag Carrier". Wo sub mamoo khaa gaya!

And as he continued narrating the tale of his journey, I got glued to my cell. He just couldn't wait till I reached and met him in person. "Hey buddy, I chose The National Flag Carrier... for the love of my country," he takes a deep breath with that. This is what all my "foreigner national" compatriots feel. They seem to have lost contact from reality... It is a nation no more. All has rotten down to just a smelly pulp.

And he embarks, the story goes on... In a bit of extra excitement, he became the first to enter the air craft... ok! be seated you there...and my brother gets the seat just almost at last row...and the smell of ... inhumane excreta welcomes him before he even starts to sit!!!! he can't stop breathing can he ? even in situation of such painful proportions..not at all!!! Life is too precious, that is all we know!

Friday, May 18, 2012

take care..

It is getting quite strange, as well as annoying at times, when , now in this era when ,new communication gadgets being so readily available, and saying hello inside your friends bed room or even kitchen has become soooo easy....we all are turning lazy lambs! ..leave formal hi, hellos aside, even as Muslim we are greeting or sending our wishes or excitement remarks in highly inappropriate and at times insulting abbreviation...now ASA..consume lesser time, where assalamu alaykum is taking our ever so precious time we waste on FB, tweet, or what ever...and WA..stands for waalaiykum assalam...and just some what new to me atleast MA..is supposedly mashaalah!! and when we look at MA..it does sound like maa..meaning mother in our native urdu...or even at times , Americans call their mothers as maa.....so if one finds very hard to type Islamic long spelling greetings or wishes of wellbeing…kindly don’t ..you don’t have your way in this…at least these three commonly used word are in Holy Quran.

so take it as sermon or what ever you choose....please...don't invent your own ways on religious greetings and wishes...the proper words are not to be muddle with. shukran jazeelan!

What on earth is this?

The Bollywood film Industry is being ruled for decades now ,by The Under world notorious…The Indian cricket ”Industry” is run by most massive bookies racket of The World…and The world’s largest Democracy , doesn’t have ,the slightest Idea how to get away from these worst and growing fungus of hideous criminals and corruption…If they can do anything…its only to cover up Shark of corruption and swindlers ..by publicizing on massive scale something like SRK incident at wankhade stadium…..since its Muslim Khan is involved.. and all muslims. as we see in present era of lopsided media propaganda , are “Bad dudes” branded…………….will we ever come to know what next for those shamless non-muslim spot fixers, ..what BCCI and ICC is doing on that?

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

You can do it too!

The questions to be added to next CSS exam will be having the following questions as the most important to be answered, intending candidates must read and focus on each… carelessly as they may feel.

1- Describe moorosi politics (nepotism) and give two of the worst examples.

2- What is verasatee chori chakari (hereditary corruption), how is it done and why those involve runaway and get away? As examples mention as many as choor verasatees in your answer.

3- Where are Moonis Elahi and Moosa Gilani these days, their locations and why they are there and doing what?

4- If Asif Ali Zardari was selling tickets in black at Bambino cinema in yester years, under which article of constitution of Islamic Republic of Pakistan should he be punished and put behind hawalaat (bars)? Just mention why his father got rid of Bambino cinema?

5- Can the CJ’s squint be treated? And how may it affect his judgments in  high profile cases? Please give examples of few high profile cases which he failed to bring to conclusion.

6- How many schools could have been established with total amount of money spent on purchase of laptops? The correct answer will entitle the candidate to be given free refurbished laptop after lucky draw!

7- How many days of work is lost in Karachi in surprise strikes, and can this result in power austerity?

8- How many Pakistani nationals have died with bullet wounds in Karachi from January to date? Mention also the statement of any military officer, showing regrets and solidarity with their civilian countryman? Also mention number of fauji (soldiers) going in deep snow at Siachin, and what they were doing there?

9- Did the Indian government cleanse the shrine of Hazrat Khwaja Ghareeb Nawaz after the visit by Asif Ali Zardari?

10- Please put a picture of the beloved son Blilawal Bhutto’s extra curricular activities in London.

11- Why can Altaf bhai not join his massive supporters in Karachi and start on a weight loosing regime?

12- How much power is being generated at present from ship anchored at Karachi harbour? How much is paid for it ?

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Is it me or am i...

My sleep... and no worries on that too... only thing is one wakes up or... harsh reality of life... and i am not even tired today...i can write... yes a whole chapter over here... young lady..taken to JPMC... and was going through emergency appendectomy... and power ..went off..and she is now in coma... on ventilation...and she has no clue to... what happened to her.. now... and four children lost their lives...at our NICH...cause the nurses...as doctors do..went on strike for money raise..and seriously sick kids ...were not looked after..and even doctors..just vanished from pediatric wards ..and if some body says  ...this how life goes...then..they should die and see how it feels...and a year old was shown on television...with mother..who was crying ...shouting at law enforcing agencies...what will she say..to her child..where  his father went...as he in no more shot dead..just today. Fresh... and life just can't be going on like this...and oh no..there is more...and more..fuel price up by staggering 11 pkr...plz don't say ..that its same over there too...our one rupee..is just enough to keep in money box...aand it won't get anything..but a $ does have some value..so...my car..have to go...if ...anyway...its nothing to do with April's happiness...cause its not....and I for one can't lie about it...at least for now...not even feign and what a power-less situation ..is i can say ..can be regarded as part of our lives..because...nothing is more important in life ..than life itself.

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

I have never been so exited about cricket cup finals…like this one…on The eve of 23rd march…day of” Pakistan resolution”…East wing(Bangla Desh ) playing against west wing(name still consideration)….and all my prayers and sympathies with Eastern wing..get em boys!!! They deserve this one …this time around…came so close beating the west during pool match…show these crooked... you play for your country’s pride..not for money…win BD!!!

just keep faith..alive.

“all the prayers and wishes we make are being heard and felt. The fulfillment has its own timings as Almighty knows better….sometimes it takes quite a while for our prayers to be answered,  yet there is a wish which is immediately  becomes a reality, no matter how trivial it seems, it makes ones belief in Allah ever so firm…..and it happened with me just now…and all I could do is to cover my eyes with my hands , get em wet with some tears and thank him, because, without him none is possible”

Sunday, January 29, 2012

People watch sports.

The roar was more to be seen than heard... One of the greatest tennis match of all time  lasting 6hrs plus  had put both Rafa and Novak to a test of pure mental, rather than physical, strength. And Djokovic won. The last set had one rally lasting 25 shots and the longest lasting 31 (dear Lord, such a treat to watch) at the end of which Novak collapsed. Still, he rose to get the best and the match had the most hilarious part: the closing ceremony saw both great players finding it so tough to keep standing in front and back of long speeches of mere five minutes and someone gave them chairs. Wow. Two great days of amazing sports. Saturday was for cricket Pakistan and Sunday, for Tennis Belgrade.

Friday, January 13, 2012

Bunch of Crooks

What is parliament? Before one goes into the details, we should answer the following:

- Why are all the government supported institutes (may it pertain to health or education) unable to run smoothly?

- Why was the Employees Old-age Benefit Institute (EOBI) fund in billions diverted to NHA?

- Why Has the PM's media coordinator Khurram is gone in hiding in Tora Bora aka PM House; the den of all wrong doers?

- Why was the PM's other son chosen to contest by election on Javed Hashmi's vacant seat?

- Why did the PM's elder son get a car costing millions as gift from Hajj scandal accuse?

- Why did JS bank's owner have to run away from country?

- Why is the PM is a blatant liar when he talks about "caring about problems of public" when he moves anywhere on ground?

- Why can a woman can not cook breakfast for her kids and husband in Punjab?

- Why I didn’t get CNG today?

Why, why, why?

Why has there been no resolution or motion or debate on issues pertaining to all of the above? If not this, why is this "parliament" still standing on the crutches of opportunists?

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Round and round it goes.

First of all politics is not just anybody's expertise; it should be as disciplined and educated as any other form of the country's machinery. We  as common people of country — cannot afford to have a group of individuals who are self-centered, who don't have any respect for the law (even not done their homework) to run the helms of affair of any sovereign nation. The elected ones are not the Rulers in real and true spirit  they are the servants and like any other servant, answerable to the US of A, who put them at a place, which in Islamic meaning is called "amanat'.

And holding amanat does not only means taking care of just the cash or finance, but integrity and sovereignty of country, as well as the law of the land, which must be respected and equal for all.

If these rules of foundation for the best interest of country are not being followed , the results are always be the same, which are even though disliked by some Hippocratic community, insist on a fake phrase of" worst democracy is better than a good dictatorship",,,but here we change it after seeing so much of indiscipline and lawlessness, and corruption..."good dictator is million times better than sham and worst democracy".

Tuesday, January 10, 2012


On to the foreign land... The election and popularity update of Babama (o-bama) is down the drain, ranging from  -17 to -22 but he claimed to be the hero or was he? He is the who got the bull's eeye! The untraceable yet within reach, dead or alive UBL/OBL or sammy liden - whatever. Would have done some real boost to Babama's rating even if the not-so-dead body was flown somewhere sacred or the home land,  US. Large, poster-size photos taken and Uncle Sam would have had a landslide butt... I mean but, it wasn't to be... a live one with greatest trial of the century would have received applause from all the continents. Again, it wasn't meant to be. It appeared fishy and a hoax altogether, kind of messed up operation, more of an embarrassment than victory. Or is he taken under VPP?

Oh dear. What have we got here? Again, a messed-up gang of jockers. Fear grips all when an impending doom hovers and they all cuddle. But, quite tragically, they never do that when we are in trouble or put to trouble or test. Hardly ever any cabinet moot is called in four years on matters pertaining to their pathetic, appalling, corrupt and lawless governance. And they called it ___cracy. All the schizos at one place eat the dust of disgrace, as your predecessor "politicians" have done. Still much in for all.

Sunday, January 1, 2012

New calender year pledge..

Its becoming ...a routine...celebrate...and sing...dance and in the end lie.....make a wish...and celebrate...and if possible ..kill some one.This is new year arrivals...what? so what did happen during all those 12 passed months, 360 odd days,8760hrs,525600 minutes of 2011? can you just let them vanish from existence..they did happen! and over here it wasn't good at all...so celebrate or keep silent is a big question...but not tough to answer...just be sober this year...wait and pray for forgiveness and do the best you can...

and statistically, thousands died, life becoming even tougher, for those , was just tough last year...hue and cry for some relief and reach for needs to be fulfilled. Start new year with a pledge.....help those in need and hope something good happens to all...no celebration ...till all get good.